U.S. miscalculates in Iraq
Most of the national media, especially the news
networks, seemed serenely unaware of the Shiite
problem in southern Iraq. Their talking-head
experts informed the country that the Shiites were
there, but never suggested that they might almost
immediately begin their own theocratic revolution.
They were supposed to dance in the streets and
throw flowers on the American tanks. Instead,
nervous American troops have to gun them down.
The victory celebrations are at best premature.
They deceive Americans into believing that most
problems in Iraq have been solved. More lies.
There are a lot of ayatollahs between Baghdad and
the Persian Gulf, and they are very dangerous
people. It would appear that once again the U.S.
government has made a major mistake because it
simply cannot factor the religious dimension into
its calculations. The mistake is particularly odd
in an administration that seems to believe so
strongly in divine guidance. Apparently, there are
other leaders in the world who also believe that
they have a direct line to God--men who,
astonishingly, believe that we are infidels,
although in fact we are a nation of pious,
God-fearing evangelicals who, like the president,
read their Bible every day.
One wonders if the time will come when Cheney,
Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and William
Kristol will feel uncomfortably like Baron von
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