Ohne pax americana

Smadar, Freitag, 09. Mai 2003, 22:49 (vor 7868 Tagen)

Bei der Diskussion um den Irakkrieg sieht es meist
so aus, als stünde der Nahe Osten vor der
Alterntive: amerikanische Hegemonie oder
Selbstbestimmung (bzw. indigene Diktatur). Ich
frage mich, wie realistisch diese Vision ist
angesichts der Vehemenz, mit der Russland seine
Interessen in dieser Region vertritt:
Unraveling Iran´s Nuclear Secrets

(...) As far as outsiders can tell, Iran´s nuclear
program is not nearly as advanced as North
Korea´s. But a concerted international effort is
urgently needed to keep it from progressing
further.(...) Even intrusive inspections cannot
keep a determined nation from playing games of
hide-and-seek with the atomic energy agency.
Inspections must be backed up by strict policies
limiting the export of nuclear material and

** The Bush administration´s response has so far
been sensible. It is encouraging the International
Atomic Energy Agency to press Iran for more
details and more intrusive inspections. And it has
intensified its efforts to persuade Russia to stop
selling nuclear reactors and technology to Iran.
Tehran´s secret enrichment activities belie
Russian assurances that this nuclear deal will not
increase proliferation risks. **

** Russia, in particular, needs to pull back from
its unwise nuclear cooperation deal with Iran. The
civilian reactor being built with Russian help at
Bushehr could go into operation later this year.

Washington reasonably fears that plutonium
produced by this reactor could be diverted to a
secret weapons program, even though Moscow expects
the spent fuel to be returned to Russia. It also
worries, rightly, about the nuclear weapons skills
Iranian scientists may pick up from their Russian
counterparts. If Moscow is unwilling to cancel the
deal outright, it should at least freeze it until
Iran accepts strengthened I.A.E.A. inspections.


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