Ausweichmanöver (in Bayern: Diri-Dari)

zeus @ bernd, Freitag, 09. Mai 2003, 12:54 (vor 7677 Tagen) @ Bernd@Zeus@sarah nebenbei (S.)

Bernd@Zeus@sarah nebenbei (S.) schrieb:

Post Scriptum für Zeus:

Wie du mit "GG" umgesprungen bist, fand ich nicht
"very amusing"

Me neither.

...nethertheless, best wishes, (really ment)

thx so much! Regarding your allegation of having
me caught red-handed while privily climbing the
soulders of giants, I might quote Picasso: Bad
artists imitate, great artists steal. He had
pilfered this sentence from Stravinsky.

May the brain be with you...


post scrotum: Don´t even try to "almi" me.

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