Wenn ich der Rumsfeld wäre..

Dada, Sonntag, 25. Mai 2003, 15:17 (vor 7852 Tagen) @ Tom

Wenn ich der Rumsfeld wäre, würde
ich wieder bei Bechtel arbeiten,
Wolfowitz zu Northrop als Berater zurückschicken,
Dick Cheney zum Geldsammeln für vier neue Iraq
Camp Bondsteels über die Dörfer jagen,
Douglas Feith zu seinen Anwälten abkommandieren,
Condy Rice nahelegen, den Provost bei Stanford´s
neu aufzulegen, und
Georgy, dem würde ich ´ne Flasche Wiskey schenken


"...superiority in numbers is the most important
factor in the result of a combat....The direct
result of this is, that the greatest possible
number of troops should be brought into action at
the decisive point....Whether the troops thus
brought are sufficient or not, we have then done
in this respect all that our means allowed. This
is the first principle of strategy.

"...superiority at the decisive point is a matter
of capital importance, and that this subject, in
the generality of cases, is decisively the most
important of all....The first rule is therefore to
enter the field with an Army as strong as
possible....it is impossible to be too strong at
the decisive point....to introduce into the
philosophy of War itself a principle of moderation
would be an absurdity....

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