Der super duper US-Wahl-Fred deluxe

KdG, Sonntag, 08. November 2020, 22:57 (vor 1478 Tagen) @ NN

Well, Mitt Romney just did a heck of a job:

On "I don't think the American people want medicare":

"Fox News EMBARRASSED By Their Own Viewers" - The Damage Report

This was not an election for Biden and the Democrats. This was an election against the literally Asshole culture of the Trump Administration and alternate truth (social) media as a whole (sort of also against Mr. Broder I am afraid to say).

People voted out mocking bullies. The ones, that annoyingly disturbed everyone with their very important braggings to say. This is a big win for the silent majority, not for the explicit minority bogeyman a la Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh and the likes...

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