Der super duper US-Wahl-Fred deluxe

NN, Dienstag, 10. November 2020, 19:25 (vor 1473 Tagen) @ NN

Graham: If we don’t do something about voting by mail, we’re going to lose the ability to elect a Republican in this country

The number of known mail ballots in:

FL: 4,855,487 (Trump won)
PA: 2,629,342 (Biden won)
NC: 985,857 (Trump likely won)
IA: 691,544 (Trump won)
WI: 1,303,819 (Biden won)
GA: 1,543,981 (Biden won)
TX: 974,752 (Trump won)

Don't let anyone misinform you about mail ballots.

Putin not only hasn't congratulated Biden, but Russian media is actively pushing Trump's election fraud propaganda. Trump and Putin are united in attacking the integrity of US elections, just as they were at the start.

Putin's statement was that he's "waiting for the courts," an extra insult from a dictator who long ago destroyed the independent judiciary in Russia. Lucky for USA, Trump didn't get that far.

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